Alden's Monthly Monday Meal

Monday, February 3rd

Serving 5:30 -6:30

Horizons will be serving a Baked Spaghetti Meal 

This is a "dine in" only event.

The Alden United Methodist Church invites ALL community members 

to a FREE community meal 

from 5:30 to 6:30 at our church (1512 Hardin St. next to the pool).

This is NOT a money maker; but rather a community-maker.

We simply want to give back to those who want a good meal 

and bring people together to strengthen our community.

We hope that you will join us, bring your friends!

What's Happening

Sunday,  Feb 2nd - Worship with Holy Communion

Monday,  Feb. 3rd - Community Meal

Monday, January 20 - Deadline for February Newsletter

SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, March 9, 2005 

50th Anniversary of the Alden United Methodist Church Building.  Let's PACK THE PEWS! Please invite your family & friends to join us.  It was March 9th, 1975 when the first worship service in this beautiful new building, and last last worship service in the beautiful old church with all the steps.  A special Worship Service is planned beginning at 10:00 AM with special music, special messages and special guests.   Following the Worship Service there will be a meal of beefburgers, potato salad, potato chips, cake and ice cream for all those who come to worship with us.  


10:00 am in person Worship Service

Fellowship follows Worship

To continue your financial support of the Alden United Methodist Church 

Mail a check to 

Alden United Methodist Church

PO Box 67

Alden , IA  50006

or drop off your financial support at the church office.  

MUST USE PO BOX 67 or it may not get delivered by the post office.

Thank You

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